2017-2018 Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering is an excellent way to get involved at Coal Creek. Click here to learn about Boulder Valley School District's volunteer policies and find links to complete your application and background check. Volunteering in the classroom usually begins in October, contact your student(s) teacher for details!
Chairperson and Volunteers Needed
Year-round commitment. Take candid photos, develop and distribute yearbooks. Parent Lead per grade (K-5) ensures a candid photo exists for everyone in that grade. This committee needs a chairperson and an additional 6-8 volunteers.
Fall commitment. Update directory website for the new year, organize class lists, help families enter their contact information, track orders, acquire advertisers, arrange layout, print and distribute. This committee needs a chairperson and 5 additional volunteers.
Year-round commitment. Coordinate grocery cards with King Soopers and Safeway, Promote to Coal Creek community and manage funds raised. One volunteer is needed to run this program.
Year-round commitment. Promote the Parent Engagement Network (PEN) events and messages within Coal Creek. PEN programs are packed with the information, resources and tools needed to protect your child from life’s risks, as well as raise them to be strong and successful in life. They provide programs that are responsive to the ever-changing challenges facing parents. A volunteer is needed to represent Coal Creek to the BVSD PEN group.
Fall/Winter commitment. Organize and lead the Coal Creek entry into the Louisville Parade of Lights (December). This committee needs a chairperson and 2+ additional volunteers.
Spring commitment. For the 2017-2018 school year we will have a Spring Musical. Coordinate a spring celebration to have fun and build community. In recent years, we've celebrated with a school musical, spring fling dance, and a carnival. Coordinate with Rachel Cauley Coal Creek's music teacher, and front office staff. This committee needs a chairperson and an additional 15 volunteers.
Spring commitment. Organize the 5th grade promotion ceremony and celebration. Members of this committee usually have a 4th grader. This committee needs a chairperson and 2+ additional volunteers.
Positions filled for 2017-2018
Identify and apply for grants for various needs in our school. Position filled by: Preston Vaughn
Position filled by: Preston Vaughn
Collect order forms and distribute school supply boxes at the Meet the Teacher event in August. Position filled by Preston Vaughn.
Maintain PTA website and offer ways to streamline processes using technology. Position filled by: Erin Trendler.
Spirit Wear
Spread school spirit. Coordinate with vendor to select offerings, advertise with school community, assist in ordering and money collection and distribute Coal Creek clothing. Positions filled by: Cristi Knudsen and Sarah Vaught.
Promote Box Tops to Coal Creek community. Follow Box Tops guidelines to submit semi-annually. Position filled by: Cristi Knudsen
Collect milk caps from Longmont Dairy and submit for fundraising dollars. Position filled by: Melanie Walker.
Organize Payback Books fundraiser. Position filled by: Tara Gratz.
Arrange Dining for Dollars evenings at local restaurants to earn money for our school. Coordinate with restaurant and promote with Coal Creek community. Position filled by: Tami Owen.
Volunteers Needed
Fall commitment. Support the biggest fundraiser of the year. Students collect pledges from friends and family and on event day run as many laps as they can in the allotted time. Volunteers set-up, clean-up, serve water, punch tally cards, cheer, and count collected monies. Committee chairperson: Liane Cutforth. 4+ additional volunteers needed to make this event a success.
Year-round commitment in 15 minute shifts per week. Help keep Coal Creek kids safe. Monitor crosswalks in front of school. Choose your day and AM or PM slot. Chairperson: Tim Crean. 20+ additional volunteers needed.
Year-round commitment, once per month. Organize monthly events or treats to show thanks to our Coal Creek faculty and staff. Provide meals during conference. Help with food preparation, set-up, clean-up, and delivery. Co-chairpeople: Carol Hughes and Trudi Moran. Additional volunteers needed.
Year-round commitment, as little as one hour per week. Make copies, posters, cut and paste, and other tasks to assist busy teachers. Training on all equipment provided. Chairperson: Sarah Kershaw. Additional volunteer needed.
Year-round commitment. Assist teacher and garden coordinator with garden lessons. Lead volunteers help secure volunteers for each grade’s garden lesson. Co-chairpeople: Heather Stone and Rebecca Leslie.
One-day commitment in September and April. Assist professional photographer on picture days. Chairperson: Sandy Sundberg. 2+ additional volunteers needed.
One-day commitment in September. Assist district staff with annual hearing and vision screenings from 8am-12pm. Chairperson: Liz Beasley (school support assistant). 8+ additional volunteers needed.
One-day commitment in fall and spring. Promote green transportation methods in coordination with BVSD schedule. Publicize event and procure goodies for participants. Chairperson: Missy Gasser.
Fall and spring commitment. Opportunity for families and Coal Creel to expand their libraries. Help our librarian, Jolynn Scott promote, set-up, staff, cashier, and pack-up the fair. Chairperson: Jolynn Scott. 10+ additional volunteers needed.
One-night commitment in the spring. Family friendly night movie in the Coal Creek gym. Advertise, set-up, and clean-up the gym. Assist with food and drinks during event. Chairperson and sponsor: Peggy Wood.
Year-round commitment. Create community by organizing and promoting parent social events outside of school. Chairperson: Heather Mellish. 2 additional volunteers needed.
Year-round commitment. Liaison to families new to Coal Creek. Organize mentor meet and greet groups at the Kindergarten Orientation and coordinate hosts for summer play dates. Chairperson: Deborah Snyder.